Our commitments
Map of forests managed by Neosylva

Our indicators

of forest put back into a sustainable management process
partnerships and contracts
with industry professionals
of wood (timber, industry or energy wood) mobilized
tree species
planted with 5 main species representing more than 85% of the plants
forest owners
accompanied, 85% of which did not have a sustainable management document
tons CO2
in the process of obtaining the Low Carbon Label
Our impact

Forests and trees play an essential role in the sustainable development of our territories. Our action is in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015 by the United Nations.
Our Charter

Contributing to a sustainable evolution of the wood and forest sector is Néosylva’s main goal. Therefore we developed a sustainable method based on 5 essential pillars: -the protection of social and environmental issues -planning of the forest maintenance -transparency -contribution to a local economic growth -work conditions
While dissociating property from biologic capital value, on which Néosylva invests on the longterm, the Néosylva method allows for a better protection of the existing biodiversity. Indeed, keeping a part of forester property in an exclusive goal of conservation does not imply any economic drawback for our investors.
Moreover, taking care of multiple plots at a time allows a higher appreciation of ecosystem services.
We ensure all of these problematics are taken into consideration when elaborating our silvicultural methods, notably by applying the following:
- Identification and appraisal of the socio-environmental values of each plot and how to preserve them whiles undertaking the project.
- Boundary, tree blocks our outstanding trees are not logged when renewing a plot as they posses critical socio-environmental value.
- Adaptation of our methods in order to benefit the socio-environmental functions of the forest.
- Maximisation of the carbon captured by the new forest and adaptation of the species to a changing climate.
In accordance with the best possible standards, Néosylva has a set of simple but efficient methods in order to plan, execute and keep up with all of their activities and their incidence.
- Néosylva keeps an updated management file for every forest we are in charge of.
- Appropriate forestry methods are applied in order to assure the socio-environmental functions of the forest.
- No more than 10 ha/25 acre of clearcutting.
- Boundaries with an esthetic or biological advantage are preserved or restored.
- Water bodies (streams, swamps etc…) are protected by a minimum 10 meters wide preservation zone.
- Rocks are preserved
- Soil works are minimized and their fertility is maintained. (Stump removal is prohibited, rests of plots are maintained)
- We do not use any GMO.
- We avoid using fertilizers, soil improvers or pesticides.
- These initiatives tend to reduce the natural issues that can de related to our activities.
- Néosylva ensures a close follow-up of all possible social, environmental and economic incidence.
Willing to improve its methods by concerting with all stakeholders, Néosylva is truly committed to the transparency of its activities.
- All of the wood coming from our forests is certified with an independent label.
- The forests are opened to anyone, if their owners agree.
- All stakeholders are regularly informed about any operation or works concerning them.
- Every year, an incidence report is made public.
- An annual gathering is organized to present our results and upcoming decisions, all concerned parties are welcome.
Promoting our forest and its wood are important to help a local economic growth. Néosylva helps creating and perpetuating a rural employment and supports the activity of local economic players.
- Néosylva calls upon companies of the wood sector for all forestry operations.
- Regional operators and workers are preferred, in order to promote the local economy.
- Néosylva helps the sector’s stakeholders to get a better exposure, promotes the use of wood values many functions of our forests.
- The wood material is given the best possible appreciation, which benefits wood construction workers and companies.
Most of Néosylva’s forestry operations are carried out by various suppliers. Thus, setting work conditions for our forest management goes far beyond our teams.
Yet we are committed to a constant improvement and respect of our employees and suppliers work conditions.
- All workers interfering in our forests are qualified and suitably equipped, in accordance with the current hygiene ad safety laws.
- All risks for the workers are identified and consistent actions are taken in order to reduce them.
- All suppliers ensure the workers rights are met and the safety and hygiene laws are respected.
Néosylva fait appel à des prestataires pour une grande partie de ses activités. Le cadre des activités induites par notre gestion dépasse largement celui de nos propres équipes.
Aussi, nous nous engageons pour le respect et l’amélioration des conditions de travail de l’ensemble de nos salariés et prestataires.
- L’ensemble des travailleurs intervenant au sein de nos forêts sont correctement qualifiés et équipés, conformément aux normes d’hygiène et de sécurité en vigueur ;
- Les risques encourus par les travailleurs intervenants en forêt sont identifiés et les mesures adéquates sont prises afin de les réduire ;
- Le respect du droit du travail et des normes d’hygiène et de sécurité en vigueur par les prestataires est assuré.